Grow Your Own Fruits and Berries
Enjoy the bountiful harvest of your own fruits, berries and citrus. We have everything you need to help you grow your own, healthy food. We invite you to come by our Nursery to find your newest plant or tree. Our knowledgeable staff is eager to help you have a successful garden.

All Kinds of Berries
Berries are bursting with goodness, and their health benefits are plentiful.
Whether eaten fresh, frozen, dried or as juice, berries are good for you!
They are rich in antioxidants, vitamins & minerals, fiber and are a fat-free, cholesterol-free snack!
Wyntour Gardens carries all kinds of berries; Blackberries, Blueberries, Boysenberries, Currants, Elderberries, Goji berries, Gooseberries, Honeyberries, Jostaberries, Raspberries and Strawberries. Be sure to pick up one of our informational handouts to help you grow berry-delicious berries!
Sweet and Sour Citrus
We love citrus trees and look forward to their arrival in spring. They generally arrive the first week of April, so shop early for the best selections. We make sure to bring in cold-hardy varieties that are best suited for our area.
Citrus is frost tender and needs to be protected during the winter. We carry frost cloth that can be draped over the plant and clipped on to warm them up a few degrees. Some people like to plant their citrus in pots that can be moved inside for the winter, they will be perfectly happy tucked in a small greenhouse, up on the porch or inside a brightly lit room for the winter. Be sure to pick up a Citrus Growing and Care handout for more information.

Grapes for Eating and Drinking
Grapes have been cultivated since ancient times and can survive 50 to 100 years. They are grown not only for their delicious fruit, but for their bold textured foliage and beautiful gnarly trunk and branches. Once established, a grape vine can grow rampantly. Grapevines are self-fruitful and a single vine can produce enough new growth each year to arch over a walkway, or roof an arbor. If all you want is leafy cover, you need only to train a couple of strong vines up and over a support and thin out entangling growth each year. But if you want the vines for fruit, you must follow specific pruning procedures for maximum productivity.
Whether you enjoy grapes fresh off the vine, making preserves, or even your own delicious grape juice, Wyntour Gardens has the grapes for you!
We carry a great selection of grapes for all kinds of uses; eating fresh, dried for raisins, jams & jellies, juice and wine making.
Grapes are easy to grow but learning to properly prune them while dormant is the key to better harvests and healthier vines. Be sure to pick up one of our handouts on growing grapes to get you started!
Grow Your Own Fruits and Berries
Enjoy the bountiful harvest of your own fruits, berries and citrus. We have everything you need to help you grow your own, healthy food. We invite you to come by our Nursery to find your newest plant or tree. Our knowledgeable staff is eager to help you have a successful garden.
All Kinds of Berries
Berries are bursting with goodness, and their health benefits are plentiful.
Whether eaten fresh, frozen, dried or as juice, berries are good for you!
They are rich in antioxidants, vitamins & minerals, fiber and are a fat-free, cholesterol-free snack!
Wyntour Gardens carries all kinds of berries; Blackberries, Blueberries, Boysenberries, Currants, Elderberries, Goji berries, Gooseberries, Honeyberries, Jostaberries, Raspberries and Strawberries. Be sure to pick up one of our informational handouts to help you grow berry-delicious berries!

Sweet and Sour Citrus
We love citrus trees and look forward to their arrival in spring. They generally arrive the first week of April, so shop early for the best selections. We make sure to bring in cold-hardy varieties that are best suited for our area.
Citrus is frost tender and needs to be protected during the winter. We carry frost cloth that can be draped over the plant and clipped on to warm them up a few degrees. Some people like to plant their citrus in pots that can be moved inside for the winter, they will be perfectly happy tucked in a small greenhouse, up on the porch or inside a brightly lit room for the winter. Be sure to pick up a Citrus Growing and Care handout for more information.

Grapes for Eating and Drinking
Grapes have been cultivated since ancient times and can survive 50 to 100 years. They are grown not only for their delicious fruit, but for their bold textured foliage and beautiful gnarly trunk and branches. Once established, a grape vine can grow rampantly. Grapevines are self-fruitful and a single vine can produce enough new growth each year to arch over a walkway, or roof an arbor. If all you want is leafy cover, you need only to train a couple of strong vines up and over a support and thin out entangling growth each year. But if you want the vines for fruit, you must follow specific pruning procedures for maximum productivity.
Whether you enjoy grapes fresh off the vine, making preserves, or even your own delicious grape juice, Wyntour Gardens has the grapes for you!
We carry a great selection of grapes for all kinds of uses; eating fresh, dried for raisins, jams & jellies, juice and wine making.
Grapes are easy to grow but learning to properly prune them while dormant is the key to better harvests and healthier vines. Be sure to pick up one of our handouts on growing grapes to get you started!